Apathetic notions of the world politic surround me Elitist versions of equality implanted in my head Carrot hung before the populace Shining promises of opportunity But for me, the son of a poor man The luster fades away And as the truth washes over me, like some unholy religion I look on, in stunned silence, at the mess that we're now in Realization, it hits me like a brick, and shatters my indifference Faith alone won't help to stem the tide, So though it's over, my wits stay sober, even as the waves come crashing down Scream into the night I'm still alive Survival in our beloved country, it thrives on subjugation In order for one man to succeed, he'll drag a million down Most of us exploited by the rich, do not realize we've put the yoke on our own necks We are told are lives are worth a certain wage and we don't question it at all