Baby, come on, baby, come on I am a whale, so alone Baby, come on Baby, come on, baby, come on I am a whale, so alone Baby, come on Come on! Saturday night, when I was a drunk on rum I stumbled a deck and I sunk like a stone Now, I'm in the water, I wan't give a good fork Down, down to the bottm and take a good Coke Dream was down, my blood down on cold For up come a monster and swallow that whore Baby, come on, baby, come on Down in the basement is a fresh I was made We stopped fish and tuna and squid and sea bream I begin on tripwood and a pile of pulse I'm gonna build me a cabin and sit right at home That fish took my pride, that whale was my bitch I live in the guts and live in the stick Born I got just in was a wrong in a spitch Alone my mama, whole new I ended like this Come on! (x7) Baby, come on! Baby, come on! Baby, come on!