(One, two, three, four) While, in the baby, the dead of night What can I see in a grand cafe Put a little poison about an hour ago(?) I've been a shit for days, come on! *Ghetto Mom, Ghetto Mom Just to tell you, want you, Adam's ball Ghetto Mom, Ghetto Mom I wanna suck it to you baby, get it all night long Well, I got it right down and this base is up And they always tell me, rhythm & blues I got no alone and no cologne Just a lot of them cheese, come on! *Repeat 1965, I was born and trimmed alive A red bullet female covers the crash Shake my daddy, come on, and jive, come on! Ghetto Mom, Ghetto Mom What the hell, Adam's ball Ghetto Mom, Ghetto Mom I say, hey, come on! Yeah, it's cool! All around the world, every travellin' gay Across the dozen flame, You're gonna know my name You're gonna, you're gonna know my name All right! Yeah, now that I'm looking, look at my eyes Can we all dogs on the hide? Dadada, dadada dadada, let me free or die Ghetto Mom, Ghetto Mom What the drop, Adam's ball Ghetto Mom, Ghetto Mom I wanna sock it to you baby, get it all right now I;ve been a wizard on you honey, come on, get it I've got to do it for you good, all night long! All night long, good! All night long, good! All night long, good! All night long, come on, good!