Threatened by a world made of cheap pocket books and overused rock songs A handicapped reality I can call my own Living life through favorite quotes and chords and blue sky memories Tragedies I take with me to sleep every single night If nothing ever lasts forever, this feeling won't last too long anyway Can you ever find the words to say just how it feels to be one big mistake Isn't it great, isn't it something I'm stuck between the same words once again trying to find how to get away From another day, another chance, another breakfast sorrow Faded inspiration, blank page loneliness a dull self-portrait Haunted by the rhymeless chords of another song Sugar-coated enemies, imaginary wars I fight all alone Aiming at my sanity when the words sound all wrong It seems you are my only hope to make it through myself, just one more life It's alright, I know it's just a matter of time Until I realize life's just death in disguise Out of my melodies the world does not feel right Sing me the sweetest lulabies 'Cause I just don't care anymore Better keep on playing it start placing my high bets right now One more sip of sorrow might scare away tomorrow and take away the sense of it all Better keep on faking it better to keep hanging around Waiting for a starlight, safer on the inside, wrestling with the perfect words I still haven't found I am just an empty holiday trying to make sense once again Just trying to be anything but another breakfast sorrow