Proceeding through passageways of the lost, Unclear screeches disarray my solace Growing louder, they iterate I've been located by the wings of consternation, Calling for my surrender The black feathers circulate, Plotting my casualty Revolving watchers personified, I regard into the flames the enclose the above Evolving reapers personified, Regard into the flames that ignite my resolve, Perpetuation Attempting to evade, In the mist of panic i desist Claws of the harvesters lacerate, Directing me to my apex of trepidation I gaze up in the fire, Coalescing with the blaze Of the inanimate Yes Revolving watchers personified, I regard into the flames the enclose the above Evolving reapers personified, Regard into the flames that ignite my resolve, The waves of bright combustion embody me As i'm pulled into the whirl While levitating i'm embraced By the vortex of flares and soaring wings I bow to the tide, Steering me towards the endless center The funnel opens wide, Welcoming me to infinity in the sea of decomposed shades The sea of decomposed ravenants I submerse