Good Dog This dog is no puppy dog she's strange as the trees she's brown as the mountain and white as the breeze she walks on the water without any boots her eyes arc as fine as the music of flutes but she will not sweep chimneys nor will she pluck corn but she is the best little dog that ever was born I have lain in the womb of the rocks cold and chill while she speaks in my heart with the voice of the hill and when I am risen and ready to run she will laugh without laughter to welcome the sun but she will not learn language nor will she bear scorn but she is the best little dog that ever was born The water god offered me the ring of his rings to buy the dog from me to teach --->she<--- poor kings the ring's on my finger the dog runs behind since watery palaces would ne'er suit her mind but as yet she can't fly well nor play on the horn still she is the best little dog that ever was born.