I've had it with this place" she screamed as she walked out that door. She got into a strangers car. Some say she headed North. Mom don't see her no more. She left a note behind that read "I've gone to find myself". She thinks these drugs and nights in bed are gonna save her from this hell. I wont sit back and watch her do this to herself. I wont ever understand what she's been through, but I know there's more to this. Kate says that she'd be better off dead. Jen says that she's a whore. You see, we've got a lot to learn if we think were anything more than her. She's no different than any of us. She just needs somewhere to place her trust, and if that somewhere is in your hands then I suggest you take that chance. I wont sit back and watch her do this to herself. I wont ever understand what she's been through but I know there's more to this. So make your move. Hey Madeline, why do you do this to yourself? I wont ever understand what you've been through but you're worth so much more than this. I wont sit back and watch her do this to herself. I wont ever understand what she's been through but I know there's more to this. So make your move. You're worth so much more than this, and I'd hate to see you lose yourself.