Tom: Bb Hot Lies are a sik band and r gona make it big! EVOLVE... FIGS... ENIGMATIC... e--------------------------------------| B--------------------------------------| G--------------------------------------| D-55555-55555-3-0-8~55555-55555-3-0-8~-| A-55555-55555-3-0-8~55555-55555-3-0-8~-| D-55555-55555-3-0-8~55555-55555-3-0-8~-| e-----------------| B-----------------| G-7777777777777777 D-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx A-5555555555555555 D----------------- e---------| B---------| G---------| D-55-3-1~-| A-55-3-1~-| D-55-3-1~-| then g2 comes in and pete starts singing i might tab the rest later but i thought i get the ball rolling coz hot lies deserve to be tabbed. this is my first tab plz rate it. for figs over + out....