Room Of Posers Walking around the nightclub all the people make me sick. Dancing and having a goodtime oh there all just full of shit. Yeah I have to slip myself something there's nothing else to do. I"m in a room of posers and you know i'm looking at you! She's in makeup ads She's a beauty queen she throws up on the floor. He's an independant filmstar but really just a faggit whore! The princess of bolemia dancing with the kind of queer all there problems twisted together I can't help but stop and stare! All the people dance around look at all the fools. All the people dance around look at all the fools. All the people dance around look at all the fools. The dj spins some records he think he is a musician. The bouncers think there tough guys but they are just big and fat. The bartender's a slut and the barbacks are illegal. It makes me really wonder why do i fit in?