When I was young I had a lot of problems. And today nothings really changed. My mind is burning it's on fire. And I know I will never escape. I'm must kill. I must be the master. I'm wicked and you will feel pain. My pleasure is your disaster. I'm sorry I was born this way. I try to cry but I am dead inside. I'm crazy yeah. I'm never satisfied. I will go until I feed my appeitte. Im twisted and sick. My wrong is right. I must conquer. I must have my will. An immoral freak with his eye on you. I delight in your destruction. I'm sorry I was born this way. I'm sorry I was ever born. I'm sorry for all the pain I cause. I cant help it its in my DNA. I'm sorry I was born this way. I must punish. I must smash. It's just something I'm compelled to do. My bliss is your sadness. I'm sorry I was born this way.