my soul risen spits out fire with a will to take to the grave hail this body burns waiting for the day to divorce the light what will i make of these bloodshot eyes? when will my lycan heart lust no grip? in a haze i muscled a death like grip in the host of horrors the burden of pain my days seem to know no end and this body is burning again even in this state there is but time to think of the past, i know born of fist and fury with a wide-eyed glare to make the bloodthirsty cringe this infinite struggle my infinite curse what comes from here only brings misery ten kills a day keeps the guilt away and away these intentions i grasp so dearly and one day i will leave the body, torn destroying my monster form, the disease existing to breach and obliterate old boundaries seize the day seize the day tonight the voice screams of unending battles, now victory my soul, risen risen to true great heights what comes from here is not what it used to be forever enduring the suffering and still these intentions i grasp so dearly is the beast now not within me? i'll go beyond paving a new path