Ok, its alright now, Im a little more comfortable. Time erased our separation better than before Yea, I changed a lot. Looking at my laughing self, saying that its only a memory, Maybe I forgot you. But I walked on the street that we used to walk together And I thought I forgot everything but I wonder why the happy memories make me cry rather than my painful scars Did I forget completely or am I still trying to forget? I got to resemble you so I had no choice but to fill you up in me All we did was separate, nothing else had changed. But why is it that I got used to us being together. I wonder if you're like me Yea, sometimes I cried outloud I tried to erase you as much as I cried. But the day when I heard news about you, I thought I forgot everything but I wonder why the happy memories make me cry rather than my painful scars Why am I hurting even more? Did I forget completely or am I still trying to forget? I got to resemble you so I had no choice but to fill you up in me All we did was separate, nothing else had changed. But why is it that I got used to us being together. Come back to me....