Sit down and shut the fuck up Just another gear in the machine of the cycle history repeats. Recycle what was beautiful; May god forever damn this industry. Heartless and redundant, you're a product of the "scene". Could be the end of the world but what difference would it make? Bitch You're a carbon copy, replica of bullshit trend. Demise will fucking find you waiting patient at the peak. It's a long fall from the top of the world and we'll laugh as we watch you crash and burn. I bet your proud of all the bras that belong to young underage broads. Let em dangle from your stand next to your dignity and right as man. Behold the monument of fraud, pinnacle of passion's mockery. Eat shit Get fucked God damn the industry God damn the industry God damn the industry Talent and passion aren't fucking obsolete. Time into the mirror outweighs your time into your trade, proof: this thing is all ass backwards. proof: its just fucking game Music is more than tattoos, cool hair, fresh clothes and nice shoes. Time into the mirror outweighs time into your trade, Proof: this thing is all ass backwards. Proof: its just mother fucking game. Just another gear in the machine of the cycle history repeats. Recycle what was beautiful; May god forever damn this industry. Heartless and redundant, you're a product of the "scene". Could be the end of the world but what difference would it make? Bitch You're a carbon copy, replica of bullshit trend. Demise will fucking find you waiting patient at the peak. It's a long fall from the top of the world and we'll laugh as we watch you crash and burn. God damn the industry. Eat shit Get fucked Talent and passion aren't fucking obsolete.