Tom: Fm 1st guitar E|---0---0-------| B|---0----0------| G|---9----8------| D|---9----9------| A|---7----7------| E|---------------| then the 2nd guitar comes in after "..same key. over again. yeah..." E|-----| B|-----| G|-----| D|--7--| A|--7--| E|--5--| then goes up to: E|-----| B|-----| G|-----| D|--11-| A|--11-| E|--9--| and back to: E|----| B|----| G|----| D|--7-| A|--7-| E|--5-| listen to the song and you'll see what im talking about. while the 1st guitar plays the first chord the entire time E|---0-| B|---0-| G|---9-| D|---9-| A|---7-| E|-----|