Tip your fucking stetson to this Yeah we just dropped a dose of that southern shit To fuck you cunts in your fake fucking cobra pits You live in tring, drive a 1.2 And I've never seen a jackal on the 1 - 4 - fucking - 2 All you phony fucking cowboy scum You phony fucking dicks You live in milton keynes With your mum and your dad and your gran (Your stupid fucking gran) But judging by your fucking band There's a snake in your boots Moonshine in your hand No, I've never seen a jackal on the 142 And I've only seen a vulture in the fucking zoo Cunt Pick it back up You really need to get over it It was dead ten years ago You should get a fucking clue These southern rock revival pricks You missed your fucking boat You live in golders green With your mum and your dad and your gran (Your dirty fucking gran) But judging by your fucking band There's a snake in your boots Moonshine in your hand All you phony fucking cowboy scum You phony fucking dicks I've never seen a buzzard in the fucking moon And nor have you