The blue house at the corner of twilight and state Four storeys, soaring turrets, floors of wood parquet And owls, so many owls, snowy, horned and screech Thousands of owls, all flapping their wings How I love the marble staircase, the claw-footed tubs The room of rare orchids, the glass hall for my guns Statues of pharaohs, 20 feet tall, crystal chandeliers, rare paintings of clowns But the owls, so many owls, I’m never alone The owls make this blue house a home How peaceful it is to watch them soar Through the palm-tree ballroom with its gold-paneled doors And as I sit by the fire and slip off my boots They perch on harpoons and the stuffed heads of moose The apothecary closet is lined with shelves But deeper than expected and slanted as well How long have I been here searching for my pills As the ceiling grows upward and the walls start to swell Oh, the owls, the owls, with their feathers of silk The owls they mock me and have stolen my pills Oh the owls, the owls, with their shining green eyes The owls will save me, if not today then tonight