Gentlemen, I tell you now I swear the truth I saw the table rise, the teacup flew From tempered glass I built the apparatus To alight in the presence of phantasmus Filaments within detect a change In aero-pressure, barometric waves Gentlemen, in the name of science! Gentlemen, I now can prove The unseen world is close, it pushes through Gentlemen, the lights blew out! Gentlemen, the curtains moved! A world of light resides just past our view Within the crooks of vacuum tubes A caged spirit lit aglow the room Burst forth from the shattered tube It thinned my blood, burnt me, ravaged cruel Gentlemen, the lights do flicker! Gentlemen, the air it cools! Who's with me here, listening in this room? Gentlemen, the world grows dark! Gentlemen, the curtains moved! Who's with me here, whispering in this room?