Front Street Ain't no place for a boy, who- Likes to talk ways that boys do- Unstrung- Young, dumb- Comfortably numb I am- Old as the star who bears you Black as the bitch who wears you, tears you Rips you apart and then turns it around Come on feel me I ain't only one When it comes apart We're gonna have some fun, son Give me five minutes With your sweetest sweet tea If she's fine as your missus- Then she's fine enough for me A rod out the window A suburban street- And I ain't slept since Monday- Jump in and ride- We got deadlines to meet People to use- Lovers to break- Handful of pills- No life to take- River too cold- Oven too hot- Bridge a one hundred and fifty foot drop But there was a day I could say that I loved you- Early one evening I cut thru Longview Lifted you up, then you turned it around Here on Front Street- All the good girls and their boys know Down in the mine there are diamonds- Down on the street walk the lifeless And now I know that you're through with me Can I tell you, my love, dead honestly? Life is shame and your hands are stained- Walk in chains and change your name Go where you go, but forget me not- Take a memory too, if it's all you got Chase your pain with a shot of rain- Dig with a spade or a razor blade Come on feel me now I ain't only one When it comes apart We're gonna have some fun, son