The Grevens

Welcome To My Party

The Grevens

I was sitting at home doing nothing.
When I had an idea to make a party.
So, I pick up the phone.
And I called saying he would have a big party.

I wait for hours.
Until I called you out the door.
But I thought it was joke.
When I heard some noises and then was out of the door.

Welcome to my party!
There is much happiness.
Welcome to my party!
Many nice songs for you enjoy.

Welcome to my party!
We dance everybody.
Welcome to my party!
And you don't go out.

Everyone was having fun.
When saw a guy.
He's hurt.
So, I help this guy and stop the music.

After, I called for more friends to the party.
Why I think was it a small party.
But, after I fall in the real.
And, I'm happy.

Welcome to my party!
There is much happiness.
Welcome to my party!
Many nice songs for you enjoy.

Welcome to my party!
We dance everybody.
Welcome to my party!
And you don't go out.

But, things are broke.
And, I'm angry.
So, they say for pay other things.
And, back to the music.

Welcome to my party!
There is much happiness.
Welcome to my party!
Many nice songs for you enjoy.

Welcome to my party!
We dance everybody.
Welcome to my party!
And you don't go out.

Welcome to my party!
There is much happiness.
Welcome to my party!
Many nice songs for you enjoy.

Welcome to my party!
We dance everybody.
Welcome to my party!
And you don't go out.

Welcome to my party!