I never thought that we were alone, floating amongst the stars
I built a station to survey for life past the colony on Mars
Sending signals to the great beyond, hoping one day they'd be returned
But static and solitude were all I found until I heard

Hello? Can you hear me? I am lost amongst the stars
Our ship's drive core has shorted out and no one has fuel like ours
Out in the Kuiper Belt, so far away, we ran into a magnetic screen
Our life supports are running out and hope seems like a distant dream

I am a dignitary, she pleads, as her voice turns into a scream
If you're able to come to our aid, you'll have the gratitude of royalty!
I'm sending coordinates out there; if you hear me, you'll know just where to go
And I swear if you help me, there's going to be a cash reward in store

The message cuts out
A wave of interference is all that remains of what I found

Could it be what I've waited for?
A chance to make amends and break out of this scheme?
True dichotomy

Distress beacon, from a vessel worlds away
If space is the place, then this is a race
A bounty to be paid
I am the bastion son of chivalry, despite what some may think of me
Just one more score and we'll retire to warmth

It is a place where few men go and none return
The unexplored terrain
I hope you know where you're going - nowhere
(Cash rewards, a chance to leave this place)