Battle is joined Musket and saber Who'll be left standing On the field of slaughter Red hot lead Cannonball shrapnel Who'll be laid dead At the grievin' chapel Bayonets fixed Eyes wide in hatin' Gnashin' of teeth Like in the hell of Satan Rebel yells Yankees shoutin' glory Blood everywhere And the creek is turnin' gory Mine eyes saw fervor at Antietam Mad dog murder at Antietam Grapeshot workin' at Antietam Red hot fervor at Antietam Red hot fervor at Antietam What kind of man Could butcher another? How can he face fire And not duck for cover? Well, I've seen the fever And I've seen it pitched I was there screaming At Antietam ditch I drew a bead On a boy about my age He was flying In a fit of blind rage I held my breath For absolution Then I blew him down In a loud execution Mine eyes saw fervor at Antietam Mad dog murder at Antietam Grapeshot workin' at Antietam Red hot fervor at Antietam Red hot fervor at Antietam