There's talk in town from the livery to saloon Just last night, somebody saw a bloodspot on the moon And two counties over it was rumored that three dogs went mad They put 'em down with charm salt but those folk's luck still gone bad Well, this morning in the pine pews at Calvary Church The womenfolk were nervous, the sermon unrehearsed And the newspaper front page spoke of a Mr. John Brown When they hanged him in Virginia, he wore an abolition frown There's a gathering storm From the North to the South Swirling with vengeance There's thunder in them clouds That gathering storm From the Wild West to the East Is coming like a locomotive Engineered by a hellish beast Ol' Sassafras Sassoon was hunting down in Snakebite Hollow Said he found a dead angel and his tobacco he did swallow Said that angel was a dire omen of consequence to come Said he got down on his knees and prayed after a shot of sweet rum Well, there's fussing and fighting in the Jenkins household Tommy told his pappy no man or woman should ever be sold Pappy said Ham from the bible, he was to blame So Tom bought a ticket one way bound on the first northern train Don't you feel that gathering storm Something's wrong with the weather A gathering storm is moving Over the cowering heather That gathering storm Gonna shake our sycamore trees There's lightning in the firmament And it's aimed at you and me Don't you feel that gathering storm From N'Orleans to Arkansas Casting a great big shadow Like a sharp black bear claw A gathering storm From Mississippi to New York That gathering storm Gonna rain down pitchforks That gathering storm From the North to the South Swirling with vengeance There's thunder in them clouds A gathering storm Hear the nevermore ravens sing All the hosts of heaven And hell are shivering