He was brought up in a house of women In a city of heat that gave its children Faith in the fable of coral and fish, Told them the world was something to miss. I turn to hold you, you're gone. Fingers let go, I'm gone. That's just a little unkind And just a little unwise. That's just a little unkind And just a little unwise. The salt in the wind moves over the mudflats Sticks to your skin and rusts up the lights, Blows through the ferns that breathe in the dark, I try to forget but it's so hard. I turn to hold you, you're gone. Fingers let go, I'm gone. That's just a little unkind And just a little unwise. That's just a little unkind And just a little unwise. What was once is a falling star; It'll hit you and hurt you and open your heart. Burn in a river tangled with reeds While a crane on the water silently feeds. I turn to hold you, you're gone. Fingers let go, I'm gone. That's just a little unkind And just a little unwise. That's just a little unkind And just a little unwise. (repeat till cicadas join in the fun)