The Glass Child

Im Hidden So Well

The Glass Child

Tom: F#m

I’ve kept my mouth shut
when I feel them around
Kept them in a distance
So they can see me
but not what’s on my mind

F#m / C#m / D / A
I’m convinced that they make fun of me
I’ve been told that noone knows me at all
Why should I bother?
I’m doing just fine behind my wall

Don’t come closer
F#m                     C#m
Unloved unhurt, right?
E  / B

C#m / A / E / B
Try waking up alone in your bed
So much space you feel trapped instead
Try live with yourself behind closed doors
There’s no such thing as safe alone
Oh God I feel so unknown
I’m hidden so well

F#m / C#m / D / A
Oh no I stumbled into his bedroom again
those thoughts are killing me in my sleep, 
and yes I am drunk again
You say I don’t let anybody get close to me?
and that I can’t be reached
well, here I am baby
I can be available
I can be useful too

Don’t come closer
F#m                     C#m
Unloved unhurt, right?
E  / B

C#m / A / E / B
You should try waking up in a stranger’s bed
You have company but feel more lonely instead
Try spend a night with someone you’ve never met
deeper breath but not a word is said
Oh God I feel so unknown
I’m hidden so well

C#m / A / E / B
Don’t walk too proud
Don’t speak too loud
cause someone might hear you

F#m / A / C#m / B 
you’ve got to be careful nowadays
there’s always someone waiting 
for you to screw up

F#m / A / E  / B 
They want to hurt you when you’re broken
make fun of every you’ve spoken 
make you think that you’re in love
and then they’ll leave you heartbroken
F#m / A / E  / B 
so don’t break my brick walls
not yet
forget me