The Gaslight Anthem

Heres Lookin At You Kid

The Gaslight Anthem

Tom: B

Intro X1 [00.00]

   B                            G#m

   E                            F#

Verse 1 X2 [00.09]

   B                            G#m
      You can tell Gail...
          Even if that's...

   E                            F#
...famous now for all....
        She should've given...

Bridge/Chorus [00.28]

  G#m             F#             E              B
[-----------4--------------3--------------1--------------4--- -]
[--4--------------2--------------0--------------2--------------] on the field of the first...

  G#m             F#             E              E
[-----------4--------------3--------------1--------------1--- -]
   I would have been her fool...

  G#m             F#             E              B
[-----------4--------------3--------------1--------------4--- -]
...would've sang out your name..

 G#m             F#             B              B
[-----------4--------------3--------------4--------------4--- -]
   You tell that to Gail if she calls...

  G#m                            E


Verse 2 X2 [00.55] Same as Verse 1

And you can tell Jane if she write...

Bridge/Chorus 2 is the Same as Bridge/Chorus 1 except at the end the B is played for
as long before going into the interlude.

Interlude x6 [01.35]

  G#m             E              B              F#
[-----------4--------------1--------------4--------------3--- -]

Then at [02.04] x1

  G#m             F#             B              B
[-----------4--------------3--------------4--------------4--- -]

Verse 3 Same as the others [02.16]

Outro Same as the others [02.53]

The little guitar bit doing the solo
