Tom: C Tabbed by: David Fishman -The +'s on the Guitar Parts 1 and 2 are down beats (it's mostly all 8th notes really) -The chord changes are lined up over the lyrics where they happen -You're on your own to line up the Parts 1 and 2 lyrics Tuning: Standard Chords e|-0----0----0----3----------------------------------------------------------------| B|-1----1----1----0----------------------------------------------------------------| G|-0----0----2----0----------------------------------------------------------------| D|-2----x----2----0----------------------------------------------------------------| A|-3----2----0----2----------------------------------------------------------------| E|-0----0----x----3----------------------------------------------------------------| C C/b Am G Guitar Part 1 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + e|---------------------------------------------------------------------------------| B|---------------------------------------------------------------------------------| G|--------5---5---5---5---5---5---5---5---5---5---5---5---5---5-5------------------| D|--------5---5---5---5---5---5---5---5---5---5---5---5---5---5-5------------------| A|------33333333333333320000000000000000xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx333333333------------------| E|--------------------------------------3333333333333333---------------------------| I'm nicotine, im coming clean, i fooled the crowd when i made it sound like i was more then ready Verse 1 C Am G Strike up the band, deprive my sleep, cause theres no love like apathy C C/b the bell that tolls rings loud enough that it should have woke us up Chorus Short Am G C Im trying to find truth in words, in rhymes, in notes, in all the things i Am wish id wrote cause C C/b C i feel like ive been losing you Guitar Part 2 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + e|---------------------------------------------------------------------------------| B|---------------------------------------------------------------------------------| G|--------5---5---5---5---5---5---5---5---5---5---5---5---5---5-5------------------| D|--------5---5---5---5---5---5---5---5---5---5---5---5---5---5-5------------------| A|------333333333333333200000000000000002222222222222222333333333------------------| E|---------------------------------------------------------------------------------| I read your last entry overprivelaged kids keep crying the need to fit in is harder when living life from a screen old C Am G Classmates please drop all your pens dont write a word cause i wont reply C C/b and im not bitter, no its just ive passed that point in my life Chorus Long Am G C Im trying to find truth in words, in rhymes, in notes, in all the things i Am wish id wrote cause C C/b C C/b Am i feel like ive been losing you each night it ends too soon you dont hold G C Am me like you used to and your eyes look like theyve seen too much C C/b C C/b Am G its always some excuse too tired, too obtuse you look so far removed, this C C/b time i fear im losing you Break Am G Am C (walk down from C to b, A, G, F, E x2 then end on C) Guitar Part 1 im nicotine, im A cash machine, im the colour green and you should have seen the looks i just recieved C Am G i need a reason to let go an intervention a lulluby something to cure me C please believe me Repeat "Chorus Long" with new ending C Am C this time i fear im just not getting through