Mad Scientist Well down in the lab that's where you'll find him With his brand new creature on the slab behind him He's got things that bubble and things that spark And a great big man-eating robot shark (c'mon chump...lemme see you chomp) He spent his life workin' on his dreams Monsters, creatures, laser beams The villagers all think he's bad But they'll come to find out he's raving mad Chorus: He's mad at you, he's mad at me He's mad at all society When he's done he'll make you see He's just as bad as you and me He ain't bad He's mad Meanwhile, back at the lab... The creature's gone it's run amuck He burnt down the church! He wrecked my truck! They pick up pitchforks, guns and hoes And down to the science-lab they goes They storm the lab they burn it down They chase the creature through the town They throw the scientist in jail And all night long you could hear him wail He's mad at you, he's mad at me He's mad at everybody that he sees But when he's through he'll make you see He's just as bad as you and me He ain't bad... with a B He's mad... yeah he's M A D