The Firstborn

Of Time And Its Absence

The Firstborn

Slowly above the conceptualized Mind…
Awaking a dormant, developing Mind
Beyond Time
Beyond Flesh
When Time is absent…

Meditating in silence…

Experiencing a deep connection with Padmansabhava
I beheld, as the whole Universe transformed into Guru Rimpoche´s mandala
Surrounded by a circular rainbow from which light radiated and flowers fell like rain
Wherein stood his eight emanations…

In radiant warmth...

Amidst oceans of dancing daka and dakini,
Focused in highest samadhi…

Dpal gsang-ba ´dus-pa´i gnad kyi don gsal-ba
(Elucidating the meaning of the essential point of the Shrî Guhyasamâja)

Destroying attachments, developing rigpa…
Focused anew, within highest tantra…

I beheld, as the whole Universe transformed into Guru Rimpoche´s mandala
Surrounded by a circular rainbow from which light radiated and flowers fell like rain
In compassionate warmth...