On this one winter day Let's circle 'round your home town Work's got you hanging low You need a break Oh, how I wish you would Show me your childhood The malls where you pose Still lawns that you claimed And this home must be worth its weight in gold We'll never know, we'll never know Well, not till it's gone And still, I'd rather have your hand to hold Oh this I know, yes, this I know I'm going to hold on The roses blowed right off their hills We'll hang our heads Like daffodils Teapot cruise Oh, even two Oh, we have to leave so soon Now we're gone Show me the valley when Your sister says you stole oranges Long leafy branches bend Let's leave them there Takin' the highway home Smilin' on the mobile phone Tail-lights burn lattices into the night And this road might be worth its weight in gold We'll never know, we'll never know Well, not till it's gone And still, I'd rather have your hand to hold All of the gold I'd care to own Shines here in your palm