Whenever you feel on the side of the majority, it is time to reform A wild animal, in corners forced I shall attack you without remorse For all the fiction and vanity Your lapse of judgement will cost you dear Raised eyes, attentive gestures, our heads will collide Leaving a deep festering scar Some things cannot be denied There will always be someone Denying the time has come Decisiveness, my greatest trait That which has been lost will be replaced Raised eyes, attentive gestures, our heads will collide Leaving a deep festering scar Some things cannot be denied The very meaning of a free government is in considering offices as public trusts. Given for the good of the country and not for the benefit of an individual or party Those grown comfortable with status quo There is one thing you will know We will strike quickly and not hesitate Attacking in the most vulnerable place Raised eyes, attentive gestures, our heads will collide Leaving a deep festering scar Some things cannot be denied