Somebody's threatened you, well, you know why Time now to pay for misdeeds you deny Life can be cheerless in intensive care Keep a cool head and you won't know you're there You won't need a shot when you sniff just a drop of the perfumes of paradise! ("Then we're dead!") Bulldoze the street where they said you were born Take a new name and before it put "Lord" Tranquil and slow, nostrils aglow with the perfumes of paradise From my bed to the street it is 30 paces (and getting nearer) and I sniff and repent in all the right places and a speeding truck crashes into the front door and the telephone rings and says, "Have you no conscience?" When planning a genocide, starting a war say that it's gentler than others before It sells lots of TV's and ribbons and flags and makes all the doubters look spineless and bad Even big heads of state should spray in their wake The perfumes of paradise