It had taken her a long time Suddenly back on its own To sit, friendless & alone She is friendless and alone I'm a vixen on its own The triple gang & the throng Did not feel helpless or alone The vixen got no friends She needs a poison pen Even in Switzerland The people cry "vixen" Silver cross, all alone The bird had flown With their omen they'll fly Had flown, silver cross All alone (So millions were broken hearted) All alone, with no home It's all alone And some night, wind moves the leaves They pick themselves up & run Perhaps all that night possessed no way of telling time It had taken her a long time Suddenly back on its own To sit, friendless & alone She is friendless and alone A man's trust, [appalling/a pole in] debt To sit friendless and alone With no home, with no home Vixen's got no home She is friendless and alone A long time on its own It shone around her