JJK Mel Scent of Vichy ....expensive JJK Mel A.K.A. M.E.L.P/B.L.E. Speciality Superb sunflowers >From the outskirts the melodic experience amplified over centuries raspberries in te/ (cuts out) [....] (sounds like honeydew or something, no idea) M.E. M.E.L. Ssssssssss [female backing track begins - M E L] Speciality Superb sunflowers from the outskirts Melodic experience Amplified Over Centuries raspberries Ordinance special extra (next bit is v. unclear and so guessed) radiator [...] connery [......] mine zine to purchase with it's compliments violence goes all fragmented zinc slinip (??!?) Amberdash JK attacks JJK Mel speciality superb sunflowers from the outskirts Amplified up the centuries raspberries intense (in tents?) Spence thoughts on the antique [.....] road fest bungee jumping