>>TV man's tarantula >>TV man >>TV man >>TV man >>TV man Rainmaster Rainmaster Copycats this and that what about copy cat familiars and miserable witches Rainmaker [mumble] [changes, all they see] Rainmaster Florida Wildlife is under constant threat >>TV man >>TV man >>TV man >>TV man Rainmaster Rainmaster Curserer of blights once too often in the ridiculous muggy envelope stained Goin', you sorry fuck >>TV man >>TV man On him >>TV man >>TV man Rainmaster in Belgique Rainmaster in Basingstokes Portaphone traffic Maurique assistant crap in hermitage Rainmaster in New York Rainmaster over cool green layered forest interspersed with hammers banging fellas tapping slow in hot morning Silenced! Rainmaster in his b(r)enediction smug in the task and knowledge Cut to the quick Rainmaster whoop Citadel Florida 3-4-9 dot dot dot dot dot dot dot.