Noel's chemical effluence We were going right through the Alps when we picked up this fabulous scent Of Noel's Chemical Effluence. Noel's chemical effluence There was a fuss about the elements waiting for the keyboards as ever. The firmament of it is going out the exit. Noel's chemical effluence. There's an inherent disease goes with an inbalance of the juices in the brain that in transit causes one to envisage white faces, as if spiked by mescalin. Noel's chemcial effluence And we're going right through the Alps Look what happened at the lodge. Look what happened at the castle. Look at the red-purple vomit stream. From the bed, angled right into the bathroom. On the finger of your banker [bound] And when all else fails We can always blow your whistle. In work, in pleasure, I'll come for you