I try to cast my net Upon the guys that hurt You've simply done too much Too much to spare you I will make you burn Are you amazed now? I'll blow your mind I'll blow your mind away So,thats your weapon? But there's no escape for you For my arguments are metal strikes I'll build your thoughts anew You will feel the metal ice They cried at your feet They wanted to get out So don't try to make me offer you What you did not grant, no doubt: Mercy and compassion Too much to forget I have seen Too much to forgive I have seen Vengeance means: To blow your mind away I've seen too much And no sign of sympathy Vengeance I'll make you burn I'll make you see Yourself,and what you've done I'll make you burn I'll make you see Some visions of what you've done Are you amazed now? I'll blow your mind I'll blow your mind away