The Fair Sex


The Fair Sex

The hyperbite active tries
To sell us a similar phrase
Now cry out see and return
This station of friendly neighbours
Is a station of fright crying
You wait to sell
The night faceless crowd:
A blind mass featureless
They're following superhuman idolatry
Brainless rapture of being
Slaves bad girl's trying
To sell your back under price
Now the waste of rave in every
Turn four four four and a world
Strike for four and a world
The empire is lost
The empire is raised
The dream has amazed
The ware dance's seal four four four and a world
Strike for four and
A world the empire is here
The empire is lost
The dream has amazed:
The war dance's frost nine nine nine
And twenty odd ages by night
Try to return nine nine nine
And twenty four ages cry not we can return
Faceless crowd a blind mass featureless
They're following superhuman idolatry
Brainless rapture of being slaves kill
Your dumb rigid bars choke
Your sneak quit your task
Find the key behind your mask
Out right now out at full
Blast faceless crowd faceless
Faceless crowd still and deep
Faceless crowd sticks to thrones
Faceless crowd always sick and down
Faceless crowd will you see:
Face the roar and set yourself
Free brothers sour stop courtesy
Brother sour you cry in my city