The Fair Sex

Boredom Kills

The Fair Sex

Come now away fat mommy 
calls come now away she feels 
distressed come now away she needs 
something enlightening come 
now away she tries to make 
the best now come away from those 
mucky pups rotten dirty kids what will 
be a kid repressed a fell beastie 
bloke choking boring life 
I am a marauder now mess with me 
I am an intruder now mess with me 
I am a traitor now mess with me 
I am a fair sexer now will you mess 
with me come on waste your love on me 
a muddle child a non stop love wasting 
and mommy is to blame she dragged 
me off those pretty games sand pit games muddy 
snails dangerous flames sand pit games 
we did it we did it you tricky liars 
that can't be you sand pit players wait for 
me you muddy snailers beg for mercy 
you lucky fellows now will you mess 
with me she can't be happy 'cause she 
no frightened one you're in care under 
my shelter lest you stumble on your way 
thrive like a grunter smut welter 
then you're shouting hooray