Young one’s pissed after she did fought more Necktie? High ideals but the tongue’s never listening And the message is shit but the world is ice queen I said play the game, I confess I just met you, help in the head You don’t know what I think I said I just met you, I need help in the head I just met you, I need help Christmas isn’t just for the new born Ice caged delicates, tales of the bible Sun and? While we’re left with the miracle, plays with the hopeful I said play the game, I confess I just met you, help in the head You don’t know what I think I said I just met you, I need help in the head I just met you, I need help in the head I just met you, I need help God speed, it dawns, we spray paint the jug If judgment day comes we’ll hide behind the sun God speed, it dawns, we spray paint the jug If judgment day comes we’ll hide behind the sun God speed, it dawns, we spray paint the jug If judgment day comes we’ll hide behind the sun