The Fabulous Freebirds

1313 Badstreet

The Fabulous Freebirds

I got a new address 
So forward my mail 
It's more wild 
Than the depths of hell 
The freebirds live 
Across the street 
The cops drive by 
In a fleet 

1313 badstreet 
The baddest part of town 
1313 badstreet 
Everything's going down 
1313 badstreet 
It's where I live 
1313 badstreet 
You can't take what I can give 

Badstreet is 13 blocks long 
To get to the end 
You gotta be strong 
My house number is 1313 
a tougher neighborhood 
You've never seen 
The cops go by in groups of four 
If a fight breaks out 
They'll be alot more 

1313 badstreet 
The baddest part of town 
1313 badstreet 
Everything's going down 
1313 badstreet 
It's where I live 
1313 badstreet 
You can't take what I can give 

You think you're bad 
You think you're tough 
Take a walk down badstreet 
It's plenty rough 
You'll never see my house 
You won't make it 
Past the first block 
But anytime you wanna try 
Why don't you take a walk 
(down badstreet) 

1313 badstreet 
The baddest part of town 
1313 badstreet 
Everything's going down 
1313 badstreet 
It's where I live 
1313 badstreet 
You can't take what I can give 

I live in the last house on the left 
Badstreet baby, anytime