Falling off a mountain Knowing that I'm dead Falling off the stairs Some more Falling off a mountain Falling off the edge Balancing on air Until I fall Fall into the deepest Oceans in your eyes Fall into a hole Without a sound Fall into the cheapest Girl that I could find Fall until we fall onto the ground Falling over All the sounds we made Breathing Going wild again So wild Falling over On the ground again Howling like a dog You howl Some more Some more Falling off the edge Falling off the edge Losing all control For just once more Could I ever explain Why she made me act this way If only I could scream For just once more Falling over, falling ove, falling over you For just once more Falling over helpless Falling over breathless Falling over senseless No more! How you made me scream my guts out You'll never break my heart again No more! How you made me pull my heart out I'll never get enough of this All of this!! It's the only way It's the only way When she slowly closes in Entangles me In deepest sin I could howl I howl I howl Falling over helpless Falling over senseless She said "Your heart, your heart has to be mine mine, mine, mine, mine, mine!!" Falling over helpless Falling off the edge "I'll get your heart, I'll get your heart I'll make you howl once more, and always some more" And falling Falling, falling, falling, falling Falling down, down, down, down, down, down And falling Falling, falling, falling, falling Fall on the ground!!!