The End Of All Reason

I, Celestial

The End Of All Reason

Enter the immense sea of hollowness and observe the four dimensions
Imprisoned by a benighted sphere and conducted by the powers that be
Affected by feeble minded - foes - to every form of life
Humans intrude. Fled from paradise, to a new haven, corrupting it's eternal roots
Man broke the ancient unwritten code as we became celestials
The apocalypse made us exchange our habitat
A revelation of the true face of the human race
Technology: Savior. The need to control the unknown
Abandoned land and left the weak behind. A new beginning for mankind
Traveling between planets, past the stars
We are the new breed: Man version two-point-o
Floating through the cosmos, behold the aurorae as we humanize it all
Colonies on extraterrestrial soil. Simulating gravity
Terraformed the universe
I was born into this world, this is all I've ever known
Elder ones speak of great tragedies and of a past wasted away
Of betrayal, and a past wasted away
Watch the towers rise, lighting up the skies
Planets modified, unnatural
Wiping out the traces of a world named Earth
Nothing but a far and vague memory
Generating life outside the atmosphere, a new chapter unfolds
An outer space utopia is born
The apex of the human mind
I, celestial, savior of mankind, heir to the legacy
But with great progress comes great failure
As man creates, so he destroys
It is our nature, oblivious
We are a flesh made pestilence
Unaware that we are terminal Claim the Sun, start anew
Outer space-born, man = God
We will conquer all and rule everything