V1. Evenin' falls half-golden On a desert interstate. Some days I'm out here driving And I miss you in the little ways. I thought we'd be like partners, Keepin' secrets and each other safe. But down the road I lost you, But you're still here in the little ways. CHORUS: Oh, I miss you. Oh, I miss you right away. There's a part of my heart where you'll always stay. Oh, I miss you. Oh I miss you when you're gone. There's a part of my heart where you still belong. V2. In my mind I see you And you tell me it'll be alright. You kept me free from worry, And it hurt me not to say goodbye. CHORUS: Oh, I miss you. Oh, I miss you right away. There's a part of my heart where you'll always stay. Oh, I miss you. Oh I miss you when you're gone. There's a part of my heart where you still belong. BRIDGE: I ain't gonna leave behind All the memories and time The places and the miles. And when I think I hear you call Like a voice behind the wall, I miss it all. V3. When all else is forgotten, I'll remember all the better days. If you are out there somewhere I will find you in the little ways.