It came from out of the lake A dream so dark it took no prisoners Put its tail around my neck And took me to a room with no visitors I never meant to kill anyone So put away your poison pen Just say what's done is done No questions asked and none to defend They'll hang an innocent man In the morning at half past ten But if I ever do my time I'd climb the walls to get back in So dig me a hole to hide away The story I live with one more day So speak up now, my fair- weather friend Or just get out of my way We worked that graveyard shift Never left the underground Your foolproof plan and a cold hard kiss That sold me out to leave this town I could cheat that hangman's noose This punishment fits your crime With one more chance to cut me loose And meet at the money in two weeks' time No surgeon's skillful hand Could cut away this regret Someday you'll understand But a brother could not forget Those footsteps drawing near With a rattling jailhouse key Just ten more steps to feel that fear Where the story will end with me