Sent the pretty ones away, allowed only to pray To escape the eternal damnation To labor all day and give 'em no pay It was done for the good of the nation The babies were sent to the poorhouse The orphans with luck would survive How bad was the curse could it be any worse To fold sheets forever alive A nation of love, a nation of love Behind yellow walls locked away A nation of love, a nation of love In a darkness forever to stay And they rested on Christmas Day The authorities came around every village and town With a list of the girls who might fall From grace in the place their own families turned out Behind the high Magdalene walls The neighbors all filed a consensus Of those to be taken away With rumors of nameless offenses To keep silent the rest of their days So where did they go almost nobody knows When they finally got out of the tower With there disarrayed souls goin out of control? Or did life pass 'em by in an hour? I carried it round in my pocket Hopin' time could fade it away I lost all the names but the story remains Of the Magdalene Laundries today