The Dukes of Stratosphear

Bike Ride To The Moon

The Dukes of Stratosphear

Tom: Am

G      320003
C      x32010
Eb     xx1343 or x68886
D      xx0232
F      133211
Em     022000
F6     130211
G7     353433
A      x02220
E      022100
F#m    244222

G              C         G
Push me off to start the fun
On a bike ride to the moon
G                C    G
Lots of room for everyone
On a bike ride to the moon

D                                  G
And we'll bring back cheese for my Auntie Jane
D                                G
And some magic moon dust that'll stop the rain
      F                   Em
On my poor Uncle Alfred's head
Even though he stays in bed (silly Alfred)

G               C      G
Why not bring a pot of tea
On a bike ride to the moon
G              C       G
Angel cake for you and me
On a bike ride to the moon

D                                G
And we'll pack a tent 'case it's cold at night
D                                G
And I'll share your sleeping bag if I might
    F                   Em
And might be a positive boon
To protect you from the man in the moon
(Who happens to be me, look out!)

F6     G7

[CHORUS] – change key
A              D          A
Racing forward can't look back
On a bike ride to the moon
A          D       A
What did I omit to pack
On a bike ride to the moon?

E                                  A
With the stars all glinting in the shiny chrome
E                                 A
Then I suddenly remembered what I left at home

[OUTRO] - slowly
      G                      F#m
Now I shan't be peddling any higher
       F                                        E
'Cos a sharp sputnik has given me a cosmic flat tyre