Ms. Allset, I regret to inform you. Your husband's been cheating. Its true We saw him kissing. We have proof These pictures, I'm quite sure will do. That's enough, she said. I can't take this. I need to be left alone. He's on a long weekend, and I don't know what I'm gonna do when he gets home Ms. Allset, I regret to inform you Your husband was shot dead this afternoon We found him where he met and married you Ms. Allset, this morning, where were you? At the park, she said. Walking. Just like I always do If you could come with us, we've got more questions we need to ask of you Ms. Allset, I regret to inform you We've gotta take your prints and put you away I didn't do nothing. I'm innocent. I'm telling you I've been setup. So this is how it ends. Still wating. Waiting. Waiting.