From France we get the Brandy From Martinique the rum Sweet red Cabernet From Italy does come But the fairest of 'em all me boys The one to beat the day Is made from apples Up the mighty Saguenay So, follow me lads 'Cause this 'ain't no grog or ale One pint down you'll be swingin' in the gale Five pints bully, you'll be shakin' in your shoes We're half-seas over on the Joli Rouge She's called the Dreadnought Cider She's proper and she's fine And when the day is over Sure, I wish that she were mine Or in the dark of winter, or on a summer's eve One hand giveth and the other doth receive So, follow me lads 'Cause this 'ain't no grog or ale One pint down you'll be swingin' in the gale Five pints bully, you'll be shakin' in your shoes We're half-seas over on the Joli Rouge So turn your sails over And bring her hard to port Find that little star and fly Straight into the north The wild Sun upon your back The wind a-blowing free You're rolling down the river boys To old Chicoutimi So, follow me lads 'Cause this 'ain't no grog or ale One pint down you'll be swingin' in the gale Five pints bully, you'll be shakin' in your shoes We're half-seas over on the Joli Rouge So you can have a Magners And pour it over ice Or you can have a Strongbow If it's sadness that you like Or join us up the river And we'll set your heart aglow And how you'll feel When the real cider starts to flow So, follow me lads 'Cause this 'ain't no grog or ale One pint down you'll be swingin' in the gale Five pints bully, you'll be shakin' in your shoes We're half-seas over on the Joli Rouge So, follow me lads 'Cause this 'ain't no grog or ale One pint down you'll be swingin' in the gale Five pints bully, you'll be shakin' in your shoes We're half-seas over on the Joli Rouge