Here I sit, in a puddle Full of my own piss Trying to make a sentence Cross straight through my lip Right at the moment My eyes dry And glue to the Backside of my eyelids I pull my head up Off the bar With an indentation On my forehead The bottle's dry Stumble outside With the (beer) label glued To the backside of my right hand. How long have I Been passed out? And what's this blood On my shoes about? I peel the curtains Back and feel the Sunlight blind me Through my eyelid Making it's way Into my brain Like a 4pm sound Checking bass drum. Acetaminophen Is slowly making It's way through My bloodstream My blood begins to cry My stomach pumps the last Remaining drops of bile Into my throat While I dial out to find out What I did last night Finding out and thinking that was cool Not sad How long have I been passed out? And who the fuck is that guy sleeping on my couch? Why the fuck is he wearing my wedding ring? And why am I wearing a negligee? And why is it noon on a tuesday?