Goodmorning lyla, The flower's bloomed months ago And now the branches hang with autumn's fire I wake each morning To feel this ground's gone frozen beneath me- I dreamed away these months 'til you were gone And I found myself waking, Curled up in my arms with a cigarette in hand, And the hopes that we held were in my pocket Will we ever be, What this world was to you and me Will we ever be crying for these days Will we ever be what this heart held for you and me Will we ever be the same? And I heard you'd been hanging around, Those city boys learned to dance so well It breaks my heart, it gives me hell, I'll go to the meadow where we used to lay But I still wade into that stream, The frozen damn water, it tears at me But it makes me feel like I'm fighting to breathe and it's only then I'm scared of dying It's only when I see you turn to go that I know I need your love to stay